Are CBD Oil And CBD Ingestible Products Legal In Europe?

CBD is a compound derived from the hemp plant. The compound is legalized in many countries, although the concentration of THC remains highly regulated; many countries, including those in Europe, have strict regulatory standards for legalizing CBD products. This article explore how different EU countries utilize the CBD regulatory standards.

Currently, there are several CBD products with varying cannabis content. The most common products include No Cap Hemp Co THC Cartridges, or ingestible products like gummies, tinctures, and vapes. Many countries have legalized CBD products because of their benefits. For example, CBD ingestible products are legalized in Europe. However, these products have a low concentration of THC. The level of THC in a product determines its medicinal, therapeutic, or recreational impact. In countries where the recreational value of CBD undermines the ethical standards set for its population, the products remain prohibited. The minimum THC limits vary from one European country the other. In contrast, there is a common standard for the maximum limit of THC across Europe.

CBD Oil and CBD Ingestible Products Type

CBD oils and ingestible products occur exist in three categories; isolate, broad-spectrum and full spectrum CBD (Williams & Nutbrown et al., 2021). These categories differ based on their level the concentration of THC.

Broad-spectrum CBD

Broad Spectrum products have the highest composition of cannabinoids. However, it does not have a high concentration of THC. It has compounds such as flavonoids and terpenes. Its potency is lower than full-spectrum CBD since it does not have THC. While the spectrum has limited THC components, it is sufficient to cause psychoanalytic feelings. Hence, its products are generally illegalized.

Full-spectrum CBD

Unlike broad-spectrum, the full spectrum CBD products contain other cannabinoids, including THC. Hazekamp & Arno (2018) observed that the psychoactive THC is responsible for making its users feel ‘high.’ The presence of THC components and their corresponding impact on human behavior explains why higher concentrations of THC in products are outlawed.

CBD Isolate

The CBD isolate, also known as pure CBD contains limited cannabis components. Usually, users dislike the earthy taste of CBD isolate. Therefore, some companies add flavor to the CBD isolate.

The Legality of CBD Oil and Ingestible Products in Europe

CBD oil and CBD ingestible are legal in Europe. However, they are heavily regulated. Europe allows CBD products whose THC levels are less than 0.3 % (Brunetti et al., 2020). In France, legalized CBD products have 0% THC levels. In the UK, CBD companies are prohibited from declaring the medical value of their CBD products. In Contrast, Norway only allows CBD products for their medical benefits. It is not difficult to purchase any CBD ingestible products in Europe as long as the products meet the regulation required.

CBD in European Union

Brunetti et al. (2020) described the criteria for legalization of CBD products in the EU member states. Essentially, the CBD products are authorized in most EU countries. However, to be legalized, the products must undergo a safety investigation by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). The potency level of CBD products must not exceed 5% within the EU. Any product above the five percent potency is prohibited. Some countries in the European Union have set THC levels at 0.2 percent. However, countries like Slovakia and Lithuania have illegalized all CBD products.

Uses of CBD oil and CBD ingestible

CBD Oil Gummies can be consumed sublingually, topically, or by inhalation. The mode of consumption depends on the user’s preferences.

Ingestion Method

This method works for ingestible such as gummies and cookies. Equally it entails addition of CBD oil to food and drinks. Ingestible method allows CBD components to be absorbed in the bloodstream through the digestive system; hence it goes through digestion-related metabolism. The effects of CBD take time to manifest through ingestion method because digestion takes time. Similarly, some essential components of CBD are lost due to digestion-related metabolism

Sublingual Method

Sublingual methods involve techniques like putting the CBD products underneath the tongue. The products are allowed to settle in the tongue for about a minute before it is absorbed in the blood stream. CBD is then absorbed into the bloodstream by the mouth tissues.

Topical Method

Topical method involves applying CBD oil externally on the skin. Baswan et al. (2020) suggested that once the CBD interacts with ECS receptors of the it gets absorbed directly into the bloodstream

Inhalation Method

Inhalation is the fastest way to consume CBD. Baswan et al. (2020) also noted that the effects of CBD can be felt in ten minutes after inhalation. Vape pens or other smoking devices are used for this method.

Choosing the Best CBD Oil and Ingestible Products in Europe

When purchasing CBD products, the user must pay attention to their legality and quality. The following factors can help users choose the best CBD products:

Third-party Lab Results

Jackson et al. (2019) noted that assessing third-party the lab results provide objectively analyzed data on the amount of THC in the product. Users can then compare the lab results to the THC level allowed in your country of residence. Also, purchase your products from trusted brands which provide proof of third-party lab test results. It is also important to confirm that its potency is consistent with labeling indicated in the packaging. The product should be free from toxic chemicals and heavy metals.

Product Type

Many European countries allow CBD oils only. Hence users should avoid products infused with CBD. Only purchase CBD-infused products if your state allows them. Users should always scrutinize the content of all ingestible products, because these products are largely disguised as ordinary candies.

Can CBD Oil Make You High?

The CBD oil has low levels of THC and cannot cause psychoanalytic effects. THC below 0.3% is considered mild and is non-psychoanalytic (Marinotti & Sarill, 2020).


Most European countries have legalized CBD products. The legalization depends on factors such as the THC concentration in the product. While some countries allow 0.3% THC, some only approve products with 0% THC. In others, regulations require 0% THC in CBD products. The choice of a suitable CBD product depends on a user\’s requirement; users who prefer 0% THC in their products should use Cannabidiol, while those who prefer a higher THC concentration can use the full spectrum. Lastly, users must thoroughly scrutinize the products they consume, as different ordinary products can be infused with illegalized CBD concentration.


Baswan, S. M., Klosner, A. E., Glynn, K., Rajgopal, A., Malik, K., Yim, S., & Stern, N. (2020).Therapeutic potential of cannabidiol (CBD) for skin health and disorders. Clinical, cosmetic and investigational dermatology, 13, 927.

Brunetti, P., Faro, A. F. L., Pirani, F., Berretta, P., Pacifici, R., Pichini, S., & Busardò, F. P. (2020). Pharmacology And Legal Status Of Cannabidiol. Annali Dell\’istituto Superiore Di Sanità, 56(3), 285-291.

Hazekamp, A. (2018).The trouble with CBD oil. Medical cannabis and cannabinoids,1(1), 65- 72.

Jackson, S. A., Schoeni, J. L., Vegge, C., Pane, M., Stahl, B., Bradley, M., … & Sanders, M. E. (2019). Improving End-User Trust In The Quality Of Commercial Probiotic Products. Frontiers In Microbiology, 10, 739.

Marinotti, O., & Sarill, M. (2020). Differentiating Full-Spectrum Hemp Extracts From CBD Isolates: Implications For Policy, Safety And Science. Journal Of Dietary Supplements, 17(5), 517-526

Williams, C., & Nutbrown, D. L. (2021).A Review of Research into the Health Benefits of Cannabidiol (CBD). The Neighborhood Academy: Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

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